九州大学ビジネス・スクール [Kyushu University Business School]


Message from the Dean

Dean Graduate School of Economics

Kyushu University Business School (QBS) opened in April 2003 as the first fully-fledged business school in Kyushu. QBS aims to develop “international business professionals who will lead reforms with their knowledge of management and industrial technology and create new business value in Asia.”

QBS is a professional graduate school that trains professionals with advanced expertise and practical skills. The official name of the program is the Department of Industrial Management, Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University. Together with the Department of Economic Engineering and the Department of Economic Systems, it is one of the three departments that make up the Graduate School of Economics. Those who complete the program will be awarded a “Master of Business Administration.” As of the end of March 2024, approximately 850 students have completed the program.

In the first year at QBS, students study accounting, marketing strategy, and corporate finance as part of management literacy, which are the basic subjects required for business leaders. Specialized courses include MOT (Management of Technology) subjects such as Intellectual Property Management, R&D Management, and Innovation Management. The Asian awareness in many subjects is also a major feature of the program.

QBS has received high external recognition, including accreditation by the Japan University Accreditation Association. One of the distinctive initiatives highlighted was the "Design x Business x Entrepreneurship Specialized Track" (commonly known as DBEX), which was newly introduced in FY2022. This was established in collaboration with the Faculty of Art and Design and the Robert Huang/Entrepreneurship Center (commonly known as QREC) against the backdrop of the growing importance in business of "design-driven innovation," a concept proposed by Professor Roberto Verganti of the Politecnico di Milano.

As a world-class research center, Kyushu University is a treasure trove of resources. In addition to the other departments of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Art and Design, and QREC, these include the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Agriculture, the Education and Research Center for Science and Technology Innovation Policy, an intramural center, and partner universities overseas. As a comprehensive university, Kyushu University has a wealth of resources to back up your studies as you explore the business horizons of a new era. We welcome those who are interested in QBS.

(June 2024)