九州大学ビジネス・スクール [Kyushu University Business School]


Message from the Head of business school

Takefumi MOKUDAI
Department Head,
Business & Technology Management

Continuous learning throughout one’s professional career is becoming increasingly important. One reason for this is the need to adapt to a rapidly changing external environment. Considering the dramatic shifts in international affairs, with Eastern Europe at the center of it, the economic transition toward a post-COVID era and the reorganization of international supply chains in industries such as semiconductors, it is imperative to constantly update one’s knowledge to reassess management direction and approach.

Another reason lies in the evolution of a businessperson’s career. With promotions, job changes, and entrepreneurial ventures come new roles and responsibilities that demand new skills. In addition to mastering the skills specific to your job or industry, you will also need to develop more universal skills that will enable you to identify and resolve issues. Moreover, you will need to cultivate leadership skills to guide your organization as a leader.

Kyushu University Business School (QBS) provides a range of programs designed to enhance your capabilities as a highly skilled professional. If you only want to acquire knowledge, you can do so through self-study using books or online courses. What, then, is the significance of studying at a business school like QBS?

First, students acquire practical knowledge through output. QBS classes are highly interactive, allowing students to refine their thinking skills through discussions with both peers and faculty. The students then apply classroom knowledge and insights in their respective workplaces. Any questions that arise are brought back to the classroom for further discussion, thereby deepening their learning.

Second, it presents an opportunity to engage with a diverse world. The longer you remain in your current company or industry, the more likely you are to lose touch with the outside world. At QBS, students from various fields come together in an environment that fosters knowledge and skill exchange. QBS provides a range of opportunities for students to interact across boundaries, including lectures by executives from different industries, joint classes with students majoring in art and engineering, exchange programs with partner schools in Asia, and study tours abroad (commonly known as ICABE).

Third, it is an opportunity to develop personal networks with faculty and other students. Leaders can feel lonely at times, but QBS attracts highly motivated students from diverse backgrounds. The relationships developed over the course of the two years of study at QBS provide social capital that lasts long after graduation. With over 700 alumni who are connected through the alumni organization, QBS offers a strong network of professionals. Friendly competition with peers is a driving force toward growth.

Although the two years at QBS require hard work, it is a valuable investment for your future. We encourage you to take on the challenge of building your own career and becoming a leader who will create new value.

(April 2023)